Fan Favorite Diesel Washington Returns To TitanMen


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Diesel Washington Gay Porn Star

Last week TitanMen director Jasun Mark tweeted out an image revealing fan favorite Diesel Washington getting busy on set to the excitement of Titan fans. The 6’6″ 250 lb top stud has a ten inch dick and a body like one of the comic book characters he has loved since childhood. Read more about Diesel below in this exclusive interview. 

Diesel Washington Returns To Titan

Trent:  Are you single or taken?

Diesel Washington: Single

Trent: If you could get cast with any other performer who would it be and why?
Diesel Washington: That is a loaded question considering I haven’t worked with many models. I like to work with whom ever wants to work with me. It makes the chemistry better. But If I had to go on record it would probably be Marcus Mojo/Landon Myscles. Met him years ago and just was a cool guy off camera.

Diesel Washington Gay Porn Star

Trent: You’ve said that you’re more soft and sensitive off screen, would you say that your on screen dominant persona is a way to express a different side of you?

Diesel Washington: Way different! I tend to be more quiet and sensitive in real life. I just like laying around and watching movies and stuff. Being a performer lets me express the inner demon we all have inside. I feel powerful on set, because I know Titan will capture that image that I want to display to fans. I love comic books, and my Diesel persona lets me be this larger than life character. I was a skinny Geek in high school so being this big intimidating guy on film is a way for me to silence the skinny geek still inside of me. Besides I like the whole process of film making(except Stills) I find it interesting to create something from scratch and see what you get in the process.

Trent: You’re a comic book geek, what was your favorite comic growing up? Do you go to Comic Con or other conventions? Do you find comic book culture to be a common fantasy outlet amongst gay men and/or pornstars?

Diesel Washington: I collected X-Men, Silver Surfer, Dr. Strange, and countless others. To say I am a Comic Geek is an understatement. I used to go to a lot of Comic Book conventions dressed as The Punisher or Bishop (see attached pic, blue suit with X-Men belt). I think the fantasy is there for all guys. We all want that super muscle guy in tights to save the day. That body type is cartoonish in nature with their broad shoulders and huge chest and arms. It is like looking at an action figure, and we all played with those as children.

Diesel Washington Gay Porn Performer

Trent: You’ve got a website in the works, can you tell us about it yet?

Diesel Washington: Keep that quiet for now…Sssh.

Trent: You’ve tweeted that you are an “Advocate for Diversity”? What do you think it would take for the adult industry to progress in terms of casting men of color? Do you think this will improve as the industry progresses?

Diesel Washington: Advocate for Diversity, it sounds grand right? I’m just a man of color model in an industry that doesn’t use enough men of color in their films. One of the reasons I decided to come back to TitanMen is because they believe in Diversity. A Hot man is a Hot man. On the whole, there is not enough Diversity in Gay porn. I can count the number of Black/Latin/Asian models in the industry and its kind of sad. As gay men we are a diverse bunch and that is not being represented in mainstream gay porn. Truth be told, Gay porn can be at times ageist, Sexist, and Racist. As time progresses, I hope filmmakers besides Titan, would wise up and embrace all races because beauty comes in all different shapes and forms. However, only time will tell.

Diesel Washington Gay Porn Star

Trent: What do you have in the works for TitanMen?

Diesel Washington: I have a lot coming. The bosses want Me to keep everything Quiet..But find me on Twitter DieselWashXXX (*wink)

Trent: What was it like to grow up in Brooklyn? How are West Coast attitudes different than East Coast attitudes?

Diesel Washington: I was born in Brooklyn and grew up on Staten Island so that should help all the stalkers out there. Can I just say this? The weather in LA is great and all, and LA is a great place to visit but I’m a East coast guy. Naturally I have a schedule and things to do and my time is very important to Me. The West Coast tends to be too relaxed for me. I’m used to the hassle of the big city life. On the West Coast you have to drive everywhere, and everything to so spread out. On the East Coast everything is compact and right there with a simple taxi/Bus/Train/Uber.

Diesel Washington Gay Porn Star

Trent: When did you come out and how were you received?

Diesel Washington: At 27 years old. We all have our coming stories right? People looked at me differently at first and some even distanced themselves from me. But over time people understood what I was going through and I was well received. Without the support of my family things probably would be different. My mother supported Me throughout everything and even came to the Grabbys (a porn award show)to support me. To this day I am very open and honest with my mother about my journey into porn. I love my mother and she still supports my decision to do this.

Trent: How do you stay in such great shape?

Diesel Washington: I take what the haters and non believers say and turn that into energy for my workouts. All the pressure/drama/B.S that this biz has offer is translated into the weights in every rep and set. Besides I like looking good and leading a healthy lifestyle. I talk a lot of Junk so I make sure I go to the gym to back all the Junk I talk.

Thanks for the Interview!

Follow Diesel on Twitter:

Last modified: Aug 31, 2015

6 Responses to " Fan Favorite Diesel Washington Returns To TitanMen "

  1. Jon says:

    The scene between Diesel and Steven Ponce in Telescope remains one of my favorites ever. I’m glad he’s back with Titan!

  2. TitanMen.Net says:

    […] some hot new releases coming up. In the meantime check out these hot behind the scenes pictures of Diesel Washington, Dallas Steele, and Jesse […]

  3. […] some hot new releases coming up. In the meantime check out these hot behind the scenes pictures of Diesel Washington, Dallas Steele, and Jesse […]

  4. TitanMen.Net says:

    […] some of these guys are my friends and so I always feel kinda funny fucking my friends, but Diesel Washington being one of them, I would love to do a scene with […]

  5. […] some of these guys are my friends and so I always feel kinda funny fucking my friends, but Diesel Washington being one of them, I would love to do a scene with […]

  6. […] some of these guys are my friends and so I always feel kinda funny fucking my friends, but Diesel Washington being one of them, I would love to do a scene with […]

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