Titanmen Daily Distractions


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The Holy Fuck I Must Have One tech gadget of the week… The Virtual Projected iPad Keyboard… it also works with an “android” but in the words of the bartender with no name from Tatooine, “we don’t serve their kind here.”

Man drives truck through a mall. Naked. Then gets out and tries on clothes. Which… I mean… you know you gotta get Aggressive at those Macy’s sales or the crowd’ll walk ALL over you.

Cookie Monster wants a Cookie, Maybe? (I promise that this is the last time I post a “Call Me Maybe” parody/cover/meme of some sort. Cookie Monster is an exception to most rules).

You know that jerk in your office that you Just Can’t Stand? Turns out he’s brain damaged. Hope that makes you feel better.

While I’m sure my cat would get a kick out of it, I’m not entirely sure that it’s such a great idea to teach him how to take out large animals.

Imagine how much fun you would have shooting video underwater on your cell phone. Or in the shower.. or.. hey… get the scuba gear, lay on the bottom of the ocean under Laguna Beach and shoot video of all the surfer guys… The possibilities are endless.

Bacon Lip Balm?

The Naked Crime Slideshow. If you’re going to break the law… why wear clothes?


It took 18 policemen to rescue this inflatable sex doll from drowning.

Last modified: Jul 24, 2012

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