Titanmen Daily Distractions: A list of the viral videos, emails, memes and news stories making the rounds at the Titan office.


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It’s been a while since I did one of these. We’ve got some catching up to do…

• October 3rd is “Mean Girls Day.” I’m still hoping that one day they’ll do a sequel (the direct-to-video Mean Girls 2 doesn’t count) with the “girls” all grown up at 40.

•  World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall shares VERY revealing throwback video

•Zac Efron wants to film a same-sex love scene – but with who? Finding out that Zac is actually gay was enough of a shake.. but now he wants to do a same-sex love scene with Dwayne Johnson. Which… I mean… Maybe we can hook him up with Jason Vario instead?

This coffee ‘gives men an erection with every cup.’ Before you run out and buy Stiff Bull herbal coffee, there are a lot of health warnings to read… but if you wanna wake up more than just yourself in the morning, this might be a fun way to do it.

• SF Chronicle does an article about the baffling new trend of “Rolled Ice-cream.” Which looks like tree bark. The Titanmen crew and stars have all continued their dedication to Red Velvet Cake Halo Top (which is a kind of low-calorie ice-cream which allows you to eat a whole tub and only consume about 250 calories).

• RIP Tom Petty. Here he is singing with Stevie Nicks..

• Today in Fake News: FBI seizes 3000 contraband penises at the home of a morgue employee.

• Watch in awe as “Bad Ass Mother Fucker” Rick Astley joins The Foo Fighters on stage for a cover of “Never Gonna Give You Up.”

Last modified: Oct 3, 2017

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