Titanmen Production Diary


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Introducing new Titanmen star Nick Prescott. Anyone watching the Titanmen Production channel on Mancast caught a glimpse of him already, here’s a BTS clip from his first scene. Get your full fix in two weeks when Nick’s first movie, the Titanmen feature “Wide Awake” gets released. In the meantime, here are a few quick shots of him in action…

More fun from the set after the jump…

Gay Porn Star Karaoke For Your Entertainment. from Jasun mark on Vimeo.

I got sent this totally adorable video of Titanmen director Jasun Mark with new Titan Rough stars Aleks Buldocek and Tony Orion doing another “Car Karaoke” video. Tony and Aleks are real-life boyfriends and had just finished shooting a scene together for Titan Rough that early reports have described as “puppies playing in the pound.”

And that’s exactly what it looks like…

You’ll be able to see the completed scene soon in an up-coming Titan Rough feature…

Here’s more pictures from the last couple of Titanmen Production shoots (apparently instead of their usual 2-week run, the guys split the run in half and separated shooting days with a short jaunt up to Lazy Bear, showing where their priorities lie. Or in this case, scoping out new talent is always a good excuse to party in the woods).

Last modified: Aug 13, 2013

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