Titanmen Classics: Carny


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Even if you think you’ve seen Carny, you may not have.

Not in it’s full version, anyway. Because of all the Piss Play and Sex Toy scenes, it was deemed too “obscene” (whatever that means) for most retail stores and the only way to get your hands on a copy of the un-edited movie was to look for the “Extended Director’s Cut” that had the scenes edited back in.

Starring Dred Scott, one of the most Iconic gay porn stars in history, Carny also included some “lighting in a jar” scenes with Danny Vox, Kalaban, Hank REal and the one and only Bud Hole.

Just as Fallen Angel IV: SeaMen took the TitanMen leather series on a whole new tack, Carny boldly takes the edginess to a new level. Directed by TitanMen masters Brian Mills and Harold Creg, Titanmen broke it open with the first in Titan’s “Circus” movies (that also include Funhouse and Cirque Noir) and showed a dark, seedy and dangerous world of Circus Carnys.

The interviews, photo shoots, behind-the-scene glimpses and cum shot review included on the 1¼-hour Bonus Disc goes far beyond what any other studio is offering. Show this one on a big screen and play it loud. Lurid is hardly the word… it was foul and shocking even then. But in the 10 years since Carny was made, it’s legend grew and it’s now one of the most sought-after movies Titan ever made.

You can still get your hands on the “full” version of the movie at the Titanmen DVD store but a newly-remastered version is also available on the Titanemen Website, streaming On Demand along with the entire Online Catalogue.

More pics after the jump…

Last modified: Apr 24, 2012

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