Incubus: The End Is The Beginning Is The End…


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After watching both Incubus movies back to back and trying to decipher just what Francois was trying to say, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that he was making a statement about how his career and life have intertwined to the point that being Francois Sagat is something only he will ever totally be able to understand. One of the most polarizing gay porn stars in history, Francois is one of those perfumers that everyone talks about, everyone has an opinion and nobody can get enough of.

The final scene pits Francois against himself in a wrestling match that has been shot and edited so well that you’ll swear you were watching two Francois Sagats on camera at once. The secret is out that his body double in this scene was Casey Williams, but the but-screening and CGI that is mixed seamlessly with real-life shots and hardcore sex scenes has you guessing the whole time.

The final hint of the meaning of Francois’s epic comes in the final seconds of the movie as Francois “wins” against himself… only to wake up in the desert like he did in the opening sequence of the first movie. Which would seem to mirror Francois’s career itself… he battles with the private and public lives he needs to live simultaneously, he makes his peace with it and then finds himself back at the beginning once again.

None of this detracts from the fact that this really was the best gay open movie last year (ignore any silly award shows that ignored it altogether) and that the star himself has delivered one of the most amazing visual events of the genre…ever.

You can watch Incubus 2 on the new Titanmen website, streaming in beautiful HD along with the entire Titanmen online catalogue.

You can also get it on DVD with a full-length digital copy of the film. Enjoy… I sure did.

More pictures after the jump…

Last modified: Apr 16, 2012

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